
The best prevention against influenza is an annual vaccine – MoH
You can catch the flu from a sick person through airborne droplets or dust, as well as through close contact.
In Ukraine, from October 19 to 25, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza were found in 163,314 people, of whom almost 35% were children under 17 years of age. No fatal cases of the disease were recorded during this time. Such data on Wednesday, October 28, leads the Center for Public Health of Ukraine.
It is reported that of more than 163 thousand patients with influenza and SARS, 1.4% were hospitalized, including 3,691 children under 17 years of age.
The intensive incidence rate is 429.8 per 100 thousand inhabitants, 11% less than the epidemic threshold in Ukraine, but 3.9% more than the previous season.
In total, from the beginning of the epidemic season (September 28) to October 25, 1.6% of the country’s population became ill with influenza and ARVI.
“11,605 people were vaccinated against influenza, of which 9055 were vaccinated between October 19 and 25,” the message says.
The Public Health Center of Ukraine reminds that influenza can lead to serious complications: most often it is pneumonia, sometimes it can lead to the death of a patient in 4-5 days. Heart failure is also common. However, the lethality of influenza is quite low: less than 0.1%.
Earlier, the Chief Medical Officer Viktor Lyashko said that influenza vaccination had started in Ukraine. According to him, for the epidemic season 2020-2021, 665 thousand doses of influenza vaccine were delivered to the country.
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