
Jamaran Iranian destroyer (file photo)
A tragic mistake occurred during the exercises in the Gulf of Oman. The destroyer launched an anti-ship missile, which hit a friendly ship.
During the exercises, the Jamaican destroyer of the Iranian Navy mistakenly fired and sank a friendly ship. This was announced on May 10 in Twitter Director of the Political Department of the Iranian News Agency Tasnim Mahdi Bakhtiari.
The incident is noted to have occurred in the Gulf of Oman. The destroyer launched an anti-ship missile, which hit the Konarak auxiliary ship.
According to Bakhtiari, the damaged ship sank.
According to the media, 20 to 40 people died. There is also information on dozens of victims.
There is no official confirmation of the incident by the Iranian army.
💥 Güncel Bilgi: # Iran Jamaican Muhribi, Jask bölgesindeki Konarak Fırkateynini bir füze ile yanlışlıkla vurdu.
Fırkateyn’de 40’dan fazla personelin olduğu ve 22’sinin cesedine ulaşıldığı bildirildi. pic.twitter.com/xHGs8YrrHP
– GÖKTÜRK REPORT 🇹🇷 (@GokturkReport) May 10, 2020
The Jamaran destroyer was commissioned in 2010 and is considered one of the most modern in the Iranian fleet. Armed with Chinese-made anti-ship missiles, torpedoes, and various weapons. The crew is 140 people.
Trump called Iran a threat in the water
It was previously reported that a Venezuelan Navy patrol ship sank after trying to ram a cruise ship.
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