
Iranian destroyer Konarak with a crew
The destroyer of Iran’s naval forces during the exercises mistakenly shot another warship. This is stated in an AAA report in Twitter.
According to preliminary information, the entire team of 40 people died as a result of the incident. The incident occurred in the Gulf of Oman.
The journalist Tagway Babak, in turn, informsthat the destroyer launched an anti-ship missile on the Konarak military transport ship. After that, the wounded ship sank. On board were 30 people.
Güncel Bilgi: # Iran Jamaican Muhribi, Jask bölgesindeki Konarak Fırkateynini bir füze ile yanlışlıkla vurdu.
Fırkateyn’de 40’dan fazla personelin olduğu ve 22’sinin cesedine ulaşıldığı bildirildi. pic.twitter.com/xHGs8YrrHP
– GÖKTÜRK REPORT (@GokturkReport) May 10, 2020
تصاویر رسیده از زخمی ھا و کشتە شدگان ناوچە نیروی دریایی # ارتش در راه بیمارستان بندر # چابھار
بیش از ۲۰ (بنابر منابعی دیگر بیش از ۴۰ تن) از پرسنل جان باخته اند
۱/۳ pic.twitter.com/KXHv1jmhyc– Ali Javanmardi (@ Javanmardi75) May 10, 2020
۲/۳ pic.twitter.com/paYSbulxmh
– Ali Javanmardi (@ Javanmardi75) May 10, 2020
Recall, as a result of a plane crash in Iran, on January 8 killed 11 citizens of Ukraine. Nine of them were crew members of the Ukraine International Airlines plane. In total, there were 176 people on board, mainly citizens of Iran and Canada.
The then Assistant to the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak does not exclude that Iran could have intentionally shot down a Ukrainian UIA plane. The day before, a video appeared in which two missiles shot down a Ukrainian plane.
In early April, Iranian MP Hassan Norouzi said the Iranian army had “good results” in shooting down a civilian plane. He also said that none of those responsible for the plane crash was arrested and does not plan to punish. In response, Ukraine demanded an immediate explanation as to why the perpetrators of the January plane crash of the Ukrainian plane have yet to be prosecuted.