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The situation with the coronavirus is complicated by other acute respiratory viral infections
Acute respiratory infections are exacerbating the situation with the spread of the coronavirus, the Health Ministry said.
In Ukraine, in some regions, the number of ARVI cases exceeded the epidemic threshold, complicating the general situation with the coronavirus epidemic. This was stated by the Chief Medical Officer, Viktor Lyashko, in a briefing on Thursday, November 12.
According to epidemiological surveillance data, the circulation of influenza viruses has not yet been detected.
“During the past week, almost 170 thousand people became ill with acute respiratory viral infections. Of these, 30% are children under 17 years of age. In most regions, the epidemiological process of influenza and SARS is at levels not epidemiological. At the same time, in Volynskaya, Donetsk, Zhitomir, Sumy and Cherkassy regions already registered a low level of exceeding the epidemiological threshold, indicating that, in addition to coronavirus disease, the situation is complicated by other infections respiratory viruses, ”explained Lyashko.
The vice minister recalled the clinical signs of influenza: sudden onset; headache; pain in muscles and joints; sore throat an increase in body temperature above 38; cough.
He added that if symptoms are detected, you should call your family doctor and get advice on what to do next.
In addition, since the beginning of the epidemiological season, 50,123 people have already been vaccinated against influenza, of which 20,000 have been vaccinated in the last week.
The Ministry of Health also bought 40,000 doses of influenza vaccine, which was sent to the regions.
“This vaccine is primarily intended for immunoprophylaxis of medical workers who provide care for patients with coronavirus disease, as well as emergency medical workers,” Lyashko summarized.
Recall that in Ukraine for the first time more than 11 thousand cases of COVID-19. The number of people infected since the start of the pandemic has exceeded 500,000. 9145 patients died.
COVID: hospitalizations and tests are on the rise in Ukraine
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