![In Ukraine, the number of debtors for housing and communal services increased by half.](https://kor.ill.in.ua/m/610x385/2597920.jpg)
Photo: Correspondent.net
Public service debts and the number of debtors are increasing in Ukraine
During the year, the number of cases in Ukraine has increased considerably due to the debt of public services.
During the past year, 342,232 cases were opened in Ukraine against citizens for communal debts, according to data from the Opendatabot website.
Compared to 2019, the number of such cases increased by 50%.
Above all, Ukrainians borrow from companies that provide heating.
The five companies owed by the Ukrainians are: Kharkovvodokanal: 12,378 debts; Zhilkomservis, 11,976; Poltavateploenergo – 9595; Krivorozhteploset – 8591; Kryvbasvodokanal – 7316 debts.
A person is recognized as a debtor when paying for public services in court, for public services, simplified procedures are provided. If the debtor does not comply with the judicial verdict, he enters the debtors registry.
A person who has entered the Unified Registry of Debtors may have their bank accounts blocked, their property confiscated, and their travel abroad may be restricted. However, utility companies can stop serving debtors on the pre-trial order.
Note that the debt of the population on payments for housing and communal services at the end of December amounted to 73.6 billion hryvnia, which is 7.5 billion hryvnia more than a month earlier (66.1 thousand million hryvnia).
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