The head coach of the Ukraine team highlighted his attitude towards the game of footballers born in another country, for our team.

September 11, 2020, 9:05 PM
Andrew herVchenko spoke about the naturalization of footballers and pointed out the fundamental difference between the process in Ukraine and some cases in Italy.
“First of all, this is the initiative of the players. If a footballer plays in Ukraine long enough, to get a passport, he deliberately goes and connects life with our country. He knows the language, his children go to school here. If you have been playing here for six years, then you are Ukrainian. …
Constant discussions on this topic? I have my own vision of this and I expressed it. I’m not going to argue with anyone, to impose my opinion.
Common naturalization practice in Italy? When the players arrive, two years later they try to get them some kind of passport. I have a negative attitude towards this type of naturalization. If a footballer came to our country, he stayed here in a difficult time, his children go to school here, they play here for 6-7 years, then for me he is Ukrainian, “Andriy Shevchenko said on the Vatsko Live program.
We remember that earlier the coach of the Ukrainian team spoke about the change in the team’s style of play.