Heating rates in Ukraine will increase dramatically – how much you will have to pay


In Ukraine in 2021 will dramatically increase heating rates. The National Energy and Public Services Commission (NEURCU) has already increased the rate for heat production (it is one of the components of the final price). Now providers are publishing for discussion proposals to increase the general rate for the population. In some cases growth can be approximately 46%.

So, as of January 1, 2021, new prices are already in force for 23 companies that supply heat to the population. For example, “Euro-Reconstruction” (heating in Kiev) increased the rate by 49.7%. They have now posted on their website a proposal to increase the final cost of heat Gcal from UAH 1,341.53 to UAH 1,457.10. The next step is that the proposal must be approved by the regulator in the near future (the procedure takes about a month).

For example, if you use 1.5 Gcal of heat to heat an apartment, now you have to pay 2,012 UAH, and at new, not yet approved prices, you will have to pay 2,185 UAH.

Heat supplier “Teplovik” (works in Starokonstantinov, Khmelnytsky region) has published a proposal to increase prices from 1,664.09 UAH to 2,444.40 UAH per Gcal (almost 46%). In this case, using 1.5 Gcal, you now have to pay 2496 UAH and a new unapproved price – 3666 UAH. That is to say the payment will immediately increase by 1,170 UAH.

“Cherkassyteplokommunenergo” proposes to increase prices from 1,255.02 to 1,664.13 UAH per Gcal. As a result, with 1.5 Gcal, the payment will increase from 1,882.5 UAH to 2,496 UAH per month.

You can find out if your provider is going to raise prices on their official website in the “discussion” section. As companies explain, due to a decrease in consumption, an increase in wages, an increase in the cost of repair work, inflation, it will not be possible to avoid a price increase.

As OBOZREVATEL previously reported, Ukraine approved an increase in tariffs for natural gas distribution as of January 1, 2021. As a result, prices will rise by 80% on average.

As of January 1, 2021, Naftogaz will stop connecting its customers with the annual fee. All those who managed to use this service will continue to receive blue fuel at a fixed price. The rest will be able to use only the monthly rate.
