
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos
The first dollar billionaire, according to analysts, will appear just six years later, in 2026.
Comparisun Small Business Advice analysts say Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will be the world’s first trillion millionaire. This is stated in the article on the service’s website.
So, according to experts, the status of an American businessman will reach the trillion dollar mark by 2026, when he turns 62.
In April, it was estimated to be only about $ 144 billion. However, experts say it is worth considering that with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic and the growing demand for online shopping, Amazon’s shares have risen sharply. Already this year, Bezos increased his fortune by $ 29.4 billion.
Following the founder of Amazon, analysts located a developer from China, Xu Jiain, who, according to his assessment, will become a billionaire a year after Bezos.
In third place was the founder of the Alibaba Group, Jack Ma, whose fortune can reach a trillion dollars in 2030.
Incidentally, Amazon’s market value exceeded $ 1 trillion in February 2020.
Recall today that it was also reported that the founder of Alibaba is no longer the richest in China.
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