In one of the country’s regions, the quarantine has already been reinforced until December 3 – bars and restaurants closed, public transport stopped

From open sources
Covid-19 mutations in mink could lead to a new pandemic in Denmark. This opinion of scientists and experts is cited by The Guardian.
“In the worst case, we will start a new pandemic in Denmark. There is a risk that this mutated virus will be so different from others that we will have to add something new to the vaccine, and therefore [мутация] It will bring everyone back to the beginning, “said Professor Corey Mölbach, director of infectious diseases at the Danish State Institute for Vaccine and Serum Research.
However, he noted that the world is now in better condition than at the beginning of the pandemic.
“We know about the virus, we are taking measures, including testing and infection control, and the outbreak will be contained in the best possible way,” he said.
There is a risk that Denmark will be the next Wuhan, according to virologist at the University of Copenhagen, Professor Allan Randrup Thomsen.
“This option can develop and become resistant, and then the vaccine will not help. So the mutation has to be removed from the equation, this is serious,” he said.
Professor Ian Jones of the English University of Reading believes that “the idea that a virus is mutating into a new species is not surprising.” The danger, he said, is that the mutated virus could then spread from mink to humans and “escape” any vaccine developed for the original, non-mutated version.
Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen has already announced special restrictions for residents of northeast Denmark due to the mutation of the coronavirus in mink farm animals. Ekstra Bladet writes about this.
In North Jutland, bars and restaurants are closed until December 3, public transport is stopped, and people from other regions are prohibited from traveling to Jutland.
Recall that 17 million minks will be destroyed in Denmark after a mutated version of the coronavirus was found on farms. It can be spread to humans. Cases have been found in mink farms in North Jutland in Denmark and elsewhere in Europe. However, in Denmark, the rapid spread of the virus is recorded, in addition, five cases of the new strain have already been found in mink farms. 12 people were infected with it.