Indian coronavirus vaccine CoviShield From the AstraZeneca company, which has started to be used in Ukraine, is reliable. Mass immunization of the population has already proven its effectiveness in Israel, which is slowly returning to normal life.
New strains of COVID-19 have led to the fact that the virus is “younger”; now children and young people are getting sicker and sicker. In Ukraine, another increase in incidence is possible, but not so much because of the errors of the authorities, but because people ignore the necessary restrictions.
Boris Bril, an anesthesiologist responsible for clinical drug trials for COVID-19 at one of the Israeli companies, spoke about this on the air of the OBOZREVATEL television channel. Below is his direct speech.
Indian vaccine against COVID-19-19, with which Ukrainians are vaccinated, is effective
This is one of the good vaccines that works well. It was developed in England, but the plant, the facility where it is produced, the Serum Institute, is located in India. It produces most of the vaccines for AstraZeneca. They are preparing vaccines for the Indian market.
It is still unknown how this vaccine with mutations in the coronavirus will work. But in fact, the beginning of vaccination in Ukraine is very good news. At least 250 thousand people will be vaccinated. Maybe doctors, maybe just older people, will get what they should have received.
In the first months we will receive the first more or less normal statistics. [по эффективности вакцин в мире]… Considering that a large part of the population is vaccinated in Israel, around 50 million doses have been used in the United States, we will know.
When will immunity appear after vaccination?
The first injection, then the second injection and another week. Consequently, after 4 weeks.
Antibodies start to be produced after the first injection, but their number is much lower than after the second. The fact that they appear in 40-60% does not mean that we have total immunity. One can speak of full immunity only after a month.
If a person received the first injection and then contracted the coronavirus, the second injection is not given. Receive standard COVID-19 therapy. But people who received the first dose carry the disease more easily than those who were not vaccinated at all. Because there has already been a definitive encounter with a component of the virus. They are more protected from the severe course of the disease.

What happens in Israel, where the majority of the population was vaccinated?
Due to the fact that a large number of people have taken root in Israel, we have already opened shopping malls. Little by little we are opening cafes and restaurants. We are monitoring the situation of the epidemic, but the country is gradually returning to normal life.
We have closed airports to avoid completely new mutations, to watch and control the situation in here.
In the example of Israel, we see a sharp decline in patients, especially in the group that has taken hold. The effectiveness of the vaccine is 96 and 99% effective against a serious disease. This means that some people end up in hospitals in serious condition. There are no deaths after complete vaccination.
This is a breakthrough. So I think that in a month we will see general herd immunity in Israel.
How effective are vaccines? Pfizer and AstraZeneca of new coronavirus strains
The Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines work well with the British mutation. But in vitro, they show less efficacy for South African or Brazilian mutations. But this is in test tubes. In actual research, things can turn out completely different. The effectiveness may be the same or none at all.
Why the coronavirus is getting younger and what to do about it
There are a large number of British coronavirus cases in Israel. For this reason, both pregnant women and children are already admitted to our hospitals in much greater numbers than at the beginning of the epidemic. We can say that this was not at all. An 11-year-old girl was admitted today in serious condition. The treating doctors have more or less stabilized her.
The virus has gotten younger. Serious disorders are already seen in younger people. If we talk about new mutations, we can predict that more children will not only tolerate the coronavirus asymptomatically, but will also become seriously ill. This is a disaster, a horror and a nightmare that can be. Therefore, in Israel, pregnant women are now vaccinated at all stages and children after 16 years. A study is currently being carried out on children between the ages of 12 and 16.
If all goes well, the children will also be vaccinated so that this horror does not happen.
Why is there a flash in the Carpathian region? COVID-19-19
While it’s cold, the number of people communicating with each other is small. Also, you had frost, snow. This prevented a large migration of people. And above all they met in the ski resorts, for example, in the same “Bukovel”.
But the main transmission of the virus did not take place in the elevator lines, but inside, in restaurants. I don’t think they were all there so that’s good too.
The worst case is when beds are overcrowded and oxygen is in short supply. I know that in some hospitals the oxygen is conducted along the outer wall. There really is no oxygen. This means that those people who should receive treatment will not receive it.
But I hope this doesn’t happen. Even so, more treatment experience appeared, the doctors covered their hands and heads, the first blows were made, and the second and fifth.

Will the coronavirus turn into an eternal “flu”?
I believe this is with us forever. Little by little, over the years, we will receive a certain vaccine. But if we are talking about an mRNA vaccine, then this is a new word in medicine. It will be possible to make new vaccine modifications much faster depending on the mutations of the virus.
But my thoughts are not evidence-based medicine, so it doesn’t mean it will.
The incidence in Ukraine will grow, because “each teacher is his”.
Warming has started and people will walk more, use public transport more, so the infection will naturally increase.
I do not think that 70% of the people in Ukraine have been ill to form the so-called herd immunity. Otherwise, we understand how wild the mortality figures would be, even if we are talking about 2% mortality in the infected.
The education of people, of the whole society is necessary, it is necessary to transmit scientific information and not advertising.
But again, this is a matter of mutual respect. We see how people in many countries wear masks to protect their comrade. But, sadly, this is not as developed in the post-Soviet space. Everyone is a teacher, everyone tells some stories.