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Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft
Microsoft founder Bill Gates is confident that the pandemic will fundamentally change the way we do business and the way we work.
Founder Microsoft Bill Gates is confident that the coronavirus pandemic will fundamentally change the approach to work, communications, and even after defeating the virus, the world “will not return to normal” for a long time. The businessman predicted only seven global changes that await humanity after the covid. Their forecasts were published by Inc.
For example, Gates believes that remote meetings will become the norm in the near future in the first place. Previously, the client could be offended if they did not want to meet him in person. Now the attitude has changed.
Second, software, especially for online communication, will grow faster.
Third, companies will begin to divide offices among themselves. Just because few people will go back to work in the office for a full week.
Fourth, people will stop trying to move to large centers. It will be possible to work remotely from anywhere in the world.
Fifth, people will be less likely to interact with their colleagues.
Additionally, Gates is confident that the emergence of a vaccine itself will not immediately save the planet from coronavirus. The disease will not disappear anywhere and new foci will appear in the future. This does not mean that the world will forever remain in a state of quarantine, but it will be possible to truly cope with the pandemic only after the coronavirus can be controlled worldwide and the vaccine is available to everyone.
And the latest forecast: the next pandemic won’t be so bad. Humanity has gained experience in fighting infection and will be able to apply it.
Recall that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation of American Philanthropists will allocate another $ 70 million for the development and distribution of a vaccine against COVID-19.
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