Witness videos show dead octopus, sea urchins, crabs and mussels

In Russia, in Kamchatka, thousands of marine animals were dumped on the beach
Hundreds of dead marine animals have been dumped on a beach in Russian Kamchatka; local residents say the water on the shore has changed color. Greenpeace called the situation an ecological disaster.
“According to preliminary data from the investigation, the death of marine life occurred due to the entry of higher concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons and phenols into the coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean from an unidentified source in the Bays area of Malaya, Srednyaya and Bolshaya Lagernaya. The sea water also changed color, “the statement said.
Several witness videos show dead octopuses, sea urchins, crabs, and mussels. Additionally, surfers who visited the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky area complained of symptoms of poisoning and diagnosed corneal burns.
Journalist Yuri Dud published on Sunday pictures taken by surf school founder Anton Morozov showing a dark spot in the sea and dead animals.
Petroleum products and phenol were found in coastal waters near Khalaktyrsky Beach in the Kamchatka Territory; Signs of contamination were also detected in three more areas of Avachinsky Bay, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Kamchatka Territory reported. The reason for the contamination is not yet clear.