In the United States the horror and horror script on the Chucky doll committed suicide


In the United States the horror and horror script on the Chucky doll committed suicide


John Lafia (left) and Don Mancini (right)

John Lafia passed away at age 63 in Los Angeles. According to the police, the cause of death was suicide.

One of the writers for the original horror movie. Games for kids and the director of the sequel Games for children 2 John Lafia committed suicide in his 64th year of life. This was announced on May 2 by Variety.

“We are surprised by the news of the death of our friend John Lafia. He was an essential element of the Chucky family from the beginning. He wrote the original script Childish games with director Tom Holland and me, and Games for children 2 shot by John, “said Don Mancini’s colleague.

It was Lafia who came up with the name of the main character Chucky and the famous phrase from the movie “Hello, I’m Chucky! Let’s play?”

The director and screenwriter was born in 1957 and was educated in film and television.

Except Childish gamesworked in movies Blue iguana, Man’s Best Friend, Rats and others, as well as in various series.

Also, in 2019, his music album was released. John Lafia 1980-1985.

British television presenter Caroline Flack, who had known Prince Harry, was previously reported to have been found dead in her apartment. According to the police, the woman committed suicide.

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