Putin said Russia “will grow” with new territories / GORDON


Russian President Vladimir Putin considers it “obvious” that the Arctic and other northern territories will “grow” in Russia.

Russia “will grow” with new territories, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin said in an online meeting with volunteers on December 5, RIA Novosti was broadcast on YouTube.

“In the coming decades, Russia will of course grow in the Arctic and the northern territories, this is absolutely obvious,” Putin said.

He noted that in the Arctic Russia intends to extract minerals “necessary for the country in the future.”

“Economic activity must be adjusted to the specific characteristics of the Arctic and northern Russia in such a way as to minimize environmental risk,” the Kremlin chief stressed.

The British press noted in 2018 that Russian ships began to show “special interest” to NATO exercises in the Arctic.

In May 2019, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Russia and China of aggressive behavior in the Arctic region. In particular, he said that “Moscow is illegally demanding that other countries apply to Russia for permission to use the route through the Arctic Ocean.”

In February 2020, Russia offered Norway to negotiate the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard in the Arctic Ocean. Prior to this, Novaya Gazeta wrote that Russian soldiers with weapons are illegally visiting Svalbard.
