“Wow, this medical doctor turned out to be a football fan!”


Press secretary of the Ukrainian national team Alexander Glyvinsky In an interview with journalist Alexandra Loboda, she recounted the details about the cancellation of the League of Nations match against Switzerland:

“My colleagues told me that Switzerland does not have as terrible a blockade as one might imagine based on the decision of a medical doctor. People walk the streets without masks. It is rare to see someone with a mask on the street. Only in shopping malls or supermarkets, everyone wears masks, like ours. There are restaurants and cafes.

There is no serious pandemic, as one might imagine by decision of a health doctor [Роджера Харстолла]… The same doctor allowed Zürich to play for Lucerne earlier this month, despite the fact that both teams had infected people. This raises thoughts about the selectivity of this gentleman. As it turned out, he is a football fan! I think UEFA should pay attention to this matter. “

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