Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, infected with the coronavirus, responded to rumors that his treatment costs the country’s budget millions of hryvnias. The corresponding video was posted on the Ukrainian leader’s Telegram channel.
“I’m in the hospital in general terms, like all the other patients,” said the head of state. He called the data that his arrest in the Feofania hospital is resulting in millionaire expenses, a forgery, thrown by his political opponents. Zelenskiy admitted that those messages amused him.
The Ukrainian leader noted that good humor is one of the important conditions for recovery and thanked political competitors for this kind of concern.
On November 9, Vladimir Zelensky announced that he had contracted the coronavirus. On November 12, it became known about the hospitalization of the head of state. Later, the adviser to the head of the Ukrainian president’s office, Mykhailo Podolyak, said that in the Feofania clinical hospital, where Zelensky was placed, a study was arranged in advance in case the Ukrainian leader fell ill. The head of state said that he feels good and fulfills his job duties. He explained that he holds meetings and answers calls online.