What time is it at this time. The exact time in Kiev after the translation of the arrows.


This material is also available in Ukrainian.

The exact time in Kiev (Photo: unsplash)

On the night of October 24-25 in Ukraine, summer time changed to winter. The hands of the clock were turned at 4:00 in the morning.

During the transition to winter time, the clock hands are delayed one hour. In 2020, Ukrainians changed the time in autumn for the 39th time.

Current time in Kiev and Ukraine

Previously, NV told who and why the idea of ​​translating the time into a full hour came up with. We also write that from 2021 Europe will stop changing clocks to winter and summer time.

Also, a sharp change in the normal schedule of a person’s life is a significant stress on the body. Follow these simple guidelines to take care of your health and quickly adjust to your new regimen.

We remind you that today in Ukraine from 8:00 to 20:00 local elections are held. NV has put together all the information you need to know about them, what you need to bring with you, what can and cannot be done on the site, and there is some innovation this year.
