MEPs say that reforms and the fight against corruption are restricted in Ukraine today, there is pressure on NBU, NABU and SAP, and the Attorney General slows down high-profile cases, and all this is fraught with consequences.
From open sources
Deputies Of the European Parliament Viola von Cramon, Michael Galler, Rasa Jukniavičienė sent a letter to the head of the faction “Servant of the people” David Arakhamia, in which they talked about the threats Visa-free travel and financing for Ukraine due to problems in the fight against corruption, pressure on NBU, NABU and SAP and restrict reforms. The text of the letter was published on the website of German politician and member of the European Parliament Viola von Cramon.
“Dear Mr. Arahamia, mWe hear that he only responds to letters, so we write it to him. We have also heard that you consider the danger of losing visa-free travel and financial aid as “rumors.” Let me explain why it is not. “, – says at the beginning of the letter.
Since 2014 alone, the EU has invested more than € 15 billion in Ukraine. Retired MEPs that the source of this aid is EU citizens, They gave up part of their income under the following conditions: liberate Ukraine from rampant corruption, reform the justice system and the health system, and create a transparent local self-government.
EU members also noted that aboutcolo 17 months ago president Vladimir Zelensky and he the team came to power with two important promises: to fight corruption and restore peace and territorial integrity.
“After 17 months, we cannot help but notice that the dream is cracking, and many of these cracks are in your party, Mr. Arahamia. We cannot help but see that some of the members of the People’s Servant are spreading disinformation from the Kremlin.” .Yucoordinating well-organized attacks against independent institutions like NBU, NABU and SAP. The members themselves do not shy away from befriending the oligarchs and ‘untouchables’ or publicly advocating for breaking ties with the EU, “they say. MEPs.
They also expressed outrage at those that perceptions of corruption in Ukraine in 2020 date back to 2017, the reforms boasted roll up, and the commission is expected to elect the head of the SAP, which has no significant experience in fighting corruption, reputation and high moral qualities and public authority. In addition, MEPs also drew attention to the fact that the Attorney General is holding back the accusations in cases of corrupt judges, in the case of the Minister of Health for allegedly receiving a commission of bribes in the middle of a pandemic, as well as in the scandalous case of the sale of public office for a lot of money.
All of the above represents a threat, in particular for macro-financial assistance of € 1.2 billion – It includes mutual agreements that concluded by Ukraine and the EU.
“Regarding the visa-free regime, it is by no means an intention on the part of the EU to cancel this great achievement for the citizens of Ukraine and the citizens of the EU, but we still reserve the rightdelay concreteth denial of such freedoms to individual oligarchs, including politicians, who abuse this right for the sake of their private illegal activities “- famous Viola von Cramon, Michael Galler, Rasa Jukniavičienė.
The letter was written in response to Arahamia’s statement in September, stating that it did not intend to react to MEP Viola von Cramon’s statement that Ukraine could lose a visa-free regime with the EU and a tranche of 1.5 billion euros. euros.
Earlier, on September 17, it became known that MEP and deputy head of the delegation of the Parliamentary Cooperation Committee between the EU and Ukraine Viola von Cramon reported on the risk of canceling the visa exemption regime due to the problematic selection of the head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.