Trump: getting along with Russia is good


Trump: getting along with Russia is good

President of the United States, Donald Trump

American Democrats always talk about Russia, but never mention China, the American leader said.

US President Donald Trump believes that it would be good to repair relations with Russia. He said this during a speech to his followers in Pennsylvania, Fox News reports.

“If I get along well with Russia, is it good or bad? I think it is good,” emphasized the head of the White House, adding that in general it is good to get along with the countries.

In this regard, Trump reminded the Democrats (the main competitors in the next general election – ed.), Who “always talk about Russia, never talk about China.”

“I have heard. <...> They speak: <...> Russia, Russia, Russia. These are true maniacs, “said the American leader.

Earlier, Trump said he would have extended an invitation to the G7 summit to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, calling the latter “an important actor.”

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