UFC 4 trailer: EA Sports highlights accessible and enhanced combat

EA Sports promises to improve three formula games in UFC 4.

Electronic Arts’ sports-focused video game division released an in-depth gameplay preview for UFC 4 on Tuesday. In the teaser, a narrator highlighted the gameplay enhancements while showing footage of the impending launch. The footage was generally broken down into four categories: bumps, rivets, ground grip, and takedowns.

Hitting has often been the strongest element of EA UFC video games. In UFC 4The programmers were intended to simplify the experience by allowing users to touch the face buttons for quick punches and hold down the face buttons for more creative techniques such as front kicks or flying knees. In previous iterations, players sometimes had to press three or four different buttons simultaneously to achieve such techniques. The developers hope that this simplification will lend itself to surprising fluidity.

Riveting has been revised to better reflect the fluidity of the position in mixed martial arts. In previous games, starting a clinch blocked players in various clinch positions similar to running. The new system works more like a transition system, allowing players to push and pull, move in and out, hit and send, and initiate takedowns with a smoother movement.

The demolitions were endowed with some touches of complexity. Players can make better use of counterattacks, footwork, expansions, and submissions to negate takedown attempts, relying less on simply blocking them.

The basic aspect of UFC video games has often been the most criticized. In defense of the programmers, the nuances and complexities of the showdown are more difficult to project in a game than to hit. For that purpose, UFC 4 offers two versions of the transition system: the legacy version of previous games and a more optimized version. The “cumbersome” presentation system of yesteryear has been replaced by two new minigames categorized by Choke Presentations and Joint Presentation. There is also a renewed emphasis on submission transitions, strokes, and medium submission attempts. The ground and pound has also added a greater variety of punches for the fighter on the top and means to avoid damage to the fighter on the bottom.

UFC 4 It will launch on PS4 and Xbox One on August 14.