U.S. Coronavirus: New cases are declining in only three states

As of Saturday night, new cases had dropped in Texas, Missouri and South Carolina, while cases have risen in 21 states and are slightly more stable by half than the week before.

President ov in the US. More than a million people have tested positive for Covid-1 for mixed results, while health experts urge constant vigilance during the fall and winter months.

Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Pennsylvania And Wyoming.

Wisconsin reported 2,892 new cases daily on Saturday, according to data from the state Department of Health Services. The previous record was set earlier in the week. The state governor urged residents to “return to the basics” of fighting the virus.

“The boom we are seeing in our state is not an indication that the masks are not working. What we have said indicates that the masks only work if everyone wears them,” said Tony Evers of the government.

A comprehensive approach

Although still below 67,000 in July compared to the summer peak, the U.S. The seven-day average of new everyday cases in is about 42,400. The average is more than 20% higher than on September 12 and according to health officials, the country will want to avoid a spike if people move indoors with the coming cold weather.

Since the New York City Department of Health discovered four “related clusters” in South Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Central Queens and Far Rockaway, New York State announced on Friday that it had performed more than 1,130,000 coronavirus tests.

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In total, a total of 11 million coronavirus diagnostic tests have been performed in New York, said Andrew Cuomo of the government.

But to reach the top of the number, the U.S. Needs a more “comprehensive approach,” said Dr. Tom Frieden, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Testing does not consistently change safety measures, including mask use, body spacing and hand washing,” Frieden said.

Kentucky Govt. Andy Basheer responded to the state’s record high of 1,275 cases in one day, urging everyone to wear masks and “we have to do better.”

“We have to go back to enforcing these rules because there will be a lot of deaths in 1,275 cases as well,” Basheer said in a video statement. He said his office fee would provide details on how to “step up” the mask implementation on Monday.

Experts advise who should be vaccinated first

Many companies are conducting Phase 3 trials of the Covid-19 vaccine in the U.S., but it remains uncertain when a safe and effective vaccine will be available to the U.S. public.

Experts advising the federal government say frontline health care workers and health care facility service providers should be vaccinated first, followed by those at risk of serious illness due to underlying health conditions.

A report by the National Academies of Nursing Homes, Science, Engineering and Medicine Committee, under the Medicine Committee, said older adults living in congregation settings such as nursing homes should come.

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But local leaders should also prioritize vulnerable communities, the committee said. The addition comes after criticism of the group’s draft report released last month, which did not mention minority communities severely affected by the epidemic.

The committee recommends that within each phase of vaccination, officials prioritize people in high-vulnerability areas, identified by a tool such as the CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index. Index U.S. Census variables are specifically used to identify communities in need of disaster support that the committee says take into account factors that increase the risk of Covid-19 to ethnic minorities.

The third phase proposes vaccinations for young adults, children and businesses where people may have little protection but are still at risk of contagion such as banks and universities.

The committee said vaccination for children would depend on whether the vaccine has been tested in that population. Pediatricians recently called for children for Covid-19 vaccine tests, saying the population was “stuck in neutral.”

The final stage covers anyone who has not yet been vaccinated.

Admitted to hospital for the first time since July

The average number of people admitted to a coronavirus hospital in a week for the first time since July has recently risen, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

The CTP report said that an average of about 1,000,000 hospital admissions were made this past week – an increase of 4.4% from the previous week and the first surge since the eight-week decline, the CTP reported.

The CTP said in a blog post on Thursday that the U.S. Daily deaths in are still coming down, “the decline seems to be slowing down.”
Last month, the U.S.  With no progress on the average daily Covid-19 case, officials fear an impending crisis
In Wisconsin, hospital admissions doubled last month, according to the CTP.
In one part of Wisconsin, a health care professional warned that the community was “close to crisis.”

“The spike we’re seeing in Brown County, Wisconsin, should be a wake-up call for anyone living here,” said Dr. Paul Casey, medical director of the Emergency Department at Belin Hospital. “Green Bay, Wisconsin.

The seven-day average of Wisconsin’s new daily infections has risen in recent weeks, with the 600-high at the end of August Gust and its all-time high of 2,892 on Saturday from the lower 700.

CNN’s Jason Hanna, Gregory Lemos, Lure Ren Mascarenhas, Aditi Sangal and Amanda Watts contributed to the report.
