U.S. Coronavirus: As cases increase, Fawcett says public health measures are a way to slow the spread

Health experts say the projected fall is on the rise here and the growing cases in the U.S. bear it out. U.S. On an average, more than 55,000 new cases are being filed every day, and on Friday, 10 states counted their highest single-day cases. By early Monday morning, U.S. In .5. More than a million cases and 21,67,4 coronavirus deaths have been reported, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Despite the climbing average, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Faucci said a nationwide lockdown is not the way forward unless there is an epidemic.

“No, shut down and say, ‘We will use public health measures to help us get to where we want to go safely,'” he said during an interview on “60 Minutes” on Sunday night.

Instead of looking at sanctions as a hindrance to the open economy, FauCA CBS News’ chief medical correspondent, Dr. “Harassed Americans should look at public health measures as a way to keep it safe,” Jonathan La Pukan said in an interview.

Experts say that following months of guidance from authorities can help Americans control the virus: avoiding crowded settings, keeping a distance, keeping small gatherings out and wearing masks.

Foci vaccines look to the FDA for safety

Those measures will need to be kept to a minimum until a safe and effective vaccine is developed.

When made available to anyone, the FAU said it would take it after seeing the data and if it was sent to the U.S. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

“I’m going to look at the data on which the FDA makes that decision. I trust the permanent professionals at the FDA,” Foic said in a “60 Minutes” interview.

7 Ways to Stay Healthy (and Wise) during Autumn Coronavirus Growth

The vaccine development process has caused controversy as politicians have called for a speedy release, and some will question whether politicization will likely affect the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. But many health experts have said the agencies in charge will stick to higher vaccination standards.

“The FDA commissioner is very public that he will not allow politics to interfere. We have an advisory committee for the FDA that is made up of independent people whom I trust.” “Put it all together, I’ll take it if the FDA approves the end result.”

In an open letter released Friday by Pfizer chairman and CEO Albert Borla, the company said it plans to apply for emergency use authorization from the FDA for its Covid-19 vaccine in early November.

“Assuming positive data, Pfizer will apply for Emergency Authorization Use in the U.S. immediately after achieving the security target in the third week of November,” the letter said.

But first, Borla wrote, the vaccine must prove safe and effective in preventing the disease.

“And finally, we must demonstrate that vaccines can be consistently manufactured to the highest quality standards.”

Once the U.S. After the vaccine was approved, CVS and Walgreen Pharmacies have been hired to help distribute the free vaccine to long-term care facilities, federal officials confirmed. How to deliver the vaccine, including cold storage requirements and personal protective devices, will be on the two drug chains of the figure.

In Florida, more than 2,000 cases a day are reported in a week

New coronavirus cases are on the rise in almost all areas of the country this week.

Florida’s daily case count has been above 2,000 for 6 consecutive days on CNN’s tele-show.

'A painful time.'  The highest number of new coronavirus cases was reported in ten states on Friday

The state is among 27 people who have increased their daily average by 10% in the last week. Others include: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Iowa, South Dakota, Iowa, South Dakota South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming,

Health officials in Florida reported 2,539 new cases of Covid-19 and 50 additional deaths on Sunday, according to the Florida Department of Health (DOH).

The state now has a total of 755,020 coronavirus cases, DOH data show.

A press release posted on Who’s Facebook’s Facebook page states that those who tested positive in the state included an election observer and other staff in Oklahoma County, Florida.

Paul Lux, the election supervisor, will work remotely “for the recommended period” and the publication says.

Due to the positive test, the election office in Christie’s, which also serves as a preliminary polling station, will remain closed until further notice. There are four other places in the county where people can vote early.

Ocalosa County is located in Panhandle, Florida and has over 150,000 registered voters.

CNN’s Amir Vera, Christina Maxis Riss, Jason Hanna, Dave Alsup, Chuck Johnston, Andrea Diaz, Nakia McNab, Samira Saeed, Nadia K, Nang, Andy Rose and Shelby Lynn Irdman were among the reporters.
