Two positive cases of COVID-19 identified at Ellis Co. on Friday

Ellis County Department of Health

Active cases: 6
Recovered cases: 18
Probable cases: 3
Total cases: 27

Active cases: As determined by KDHE and the Public Health office. Patients are currently in isolation with daily ECHD contact.

Recovered cases: Following KDHE guidelines, patients have completed isolation, symptom improvement, and have gone 72 hours without fever without fever reducing medication.

Probable cases as determined by KDHE: Defined as a person with a) presumptive laboratory evidence with symptoms of COVID-19 or linked by epi to a confirmed case, or b) no laboratory test with symptoms of COVID-19 and linked by epi to a confirmed case. Retroactively reported by KDHE.

Total cases: Total number of Covid-19 patients residing in Ellis County. Includes active, recovered and probable cases.

ECHD has been notified of two new positive cases.

Four cases have been recovered since our last press release.

ECHD follows KDHE guidelines to identify any close contact of new positive cases. Contacts will be notified and directed to quarantine for 14 days.

Positive cases have mild symptoms and are isolated in the home. Both cases are contacts of a known positive with recent travel history.

Ellis County residents and visitors must remain diligent in social distancing and basic precautions, such as washing their hands, covering their coughs, and staying home when sick.

Please continue to follow and understand the guidelines provided by CDC, KDHE, and ECHD. Make the individual decision to protect yourself and others around you.