Two Other Pitt County Government Employees Receive COVID-19

GREENVILLE, NC (WITN) – Two more Pitt County government employees have the coronavirus, forcing that office to close to the public.

Employees work in the Office of Tax Consultants on Evans Street.

The county said Tuesday that it learned that an employee at that office tested positive, and then a second employee also tested positive.

That second employee was in the office today and left when he heard the test results. The other employee had already been out of the office for a week in self-quarantine.

The Office of Tax Consultants will be closed to the public for the next two weeks and has been professionally disinfected. The Tax Collection Office, which is located in a separate building, will remain open.

The county says that due to recent security updates and renovations that include glass barriers and walls, the risk of exposure to the public at the Office of Tax Consultants was very minimal.

Last month, the Vital Records Division for the Registry Office of Deeds in court closed when an employee there tested positive.

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