Two Florida mayors urge residents to wear masks at home

“I would say to our residents, and this is voluntary, this is not something we can order, which they should consider, particularly if they have a multi-generational home, they wear masks indoors sometimes with their multi-generational residents and they also respect social distance when you are at home, “Suarez told reporters.

“Because we have such a high level of positivity here in Miami-Dade, you should also start thinking about keeping a distance from loved ones as well for a while,” said Giménez. “Yes, I know it is a sacrifice, but do it because, again, just because it’s your son or your daughter or your cousin or your mother or your father, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have [COVID-19]. “

With the increase in the coronavirus pandemic, Florida has quickly become one of the epicenters of the virus in the country; Miami-Dade has been one of the most affected counties.

The county reported more than 2,700 new cases on Thursday, bringing the total number of cases during the pandemic to nearly 100,000.

Overall, Florida had another bleak day on Thursday, reporting 10,273 new cases and 173 deaths, a record.
