Twitter puts warning to Trump tweet on email dropboxes about violating rules

President Trump was hit with yet another Twitter warning label, this time over his claims about voting via mail.

Twitter marked a tweet on Sunday claiming that post-in dropboxes pose a health risk during the coronavirus pandemic and are ripe for voter fraud.

“So now the Democrats are using Mail Drop Boxes, which are a disaster for voter security,” Trump tweeted. “Among other things, they make it possible for a person to vote multiple times. Whoever controls them, will they be placed in Republican or Democratic areas? They are not co-sanitized. A big fraud!”

Twitter responded by putting a gray box over the tweet saying the message violated the social media giant’s rules on citizen and electoral integrity. “However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public interest for the Tweet to remain accessible,” the message added.

There’s a “view” option that allows a viewer to see the original tweet, but it adds an extra step for someone to see the president’s message.

Now, Twitter has posted fact checks and warning messages on Trump’s tweets several times, including for “manipulated” video and tweets about the protests in Minneapolis over George Floyd, a black man who died in policing, that the social media platform said its rules on glorifying violence.

Trump has criticized post-in-post sending as an alternative to personal votes during the pandemic, despite many states already taking steps in November to guarantee it as an option, raising concerns about the potential for voter fraud. Experts have rebuffed Trump’s claims that voting via mail is insecure.