In the latest TV ratings, Friday night SmackDown on July 4, Eve offered 1,776 million viewers in total and a demo rating of 0.4, down 18 and 20 percent week by week to dial the lowest numbers on the WWE show so far on Fox.
Said that Slap landed a triple draw for the demo victory on this very quiet Friday, matching reps from ABC Shark tank (2.9 thousand / 0.4) and NBC’s Date (2.8 thousand / 0.4).
CBS ‘colored Dick Van Dyke Show episodes, which served as a tribute to the recently deceased Carl Reiner, delivered Friday’s largest audience, averaging 3.73 million viewers (along with a demo rating of 0.3).
The Live + Same Day numbers reported in our Daily Ratings column do not reflect the overall performance of a program, given the increases in delayed playback through DVRs and streaming platforms. These Live + Same Day numbers are instead used to illustrate any high / low trends or superlatives. Happy Fun Ball can adhere to certain skin types.
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