Trump’s limo provided Goodyear tires he wants to boycott

President Trump on Wednesday called for a boycott of Goodyear, but his limousine – referred to as ‘Beast’ – is equipped with the Kevlar-reinforced runflats that the armored car can run in an emergency.

Asked if there were any plans to change the tires, White House Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said: “I will not comment on security issues.”

The president knocked out the bandwagon because of a corporate diversity policy that after delaying employees was banned from wearing his “MAGA” hats, including conservative gear.

“DO NOT BUY GOODYEAR TIRES – They Announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS,” Trump wrote in a tweet after an employee leaked a slide from a presentation that appeared to label Black Lives Matter and LGBT Pride “acceptable” messages, while ” MAGA attire “Rated” unacceptable “along with” Blue Lives Matter “and” All Lives Matter. “

The president added: “Get better tires for much less! (This is what the Radical Left Democrats are doing. Two can play the same game, and we need to start playing it now!). ”

Topeka, Kansas, TV station WIBW published a photo of the slide snapped by the worker, which was intended to describe what was allowed under the company’s Zero Tolerance policy.

The station reported that the slide was part of a “variety” training and came from Goodyear headquarters. The company denied the allegations, but did not explain who made the slide or the context in which it was presented.

During the White House press release, a reporter said it revealed that the Goodyear policy was simply a ban on political speech and asked why Trump took revenge against the company and possibly endangered American jobs.

“Goodyear must come out and make its policy clear. I saw her statement failing to clarify her policy, “McEnany said.

“What happened was that an image was explained that showed that certain speech was acceptable, for example Insignia by Black Lives Matter, but what was not allowed was Blue Lives Matter. What was not allowed were MAGA hats, ”she continued.

“What was clearly directed was a certain ideology. They did not deny that this image was presented at any of their facilities. ”

McEnany said the company “cited stock issues.”

“As far as I’m concerned, Blue Lives Matter is a stock issue. “There have been police officers in this country who are targeted because they are wearing the badge,” she said.

‘Look no further than Dallas where five policemen died. That Black Lives Matter, an organization in its DC branch, said that Black Lives Matter means the police are the service, ”McEnany said.

“One of their presidents in New York said we were going to burn down the system. We all remember in 2015 the screams of ‘Pigs in a blanket’, ‘Fry’ em like bacon ‘at a Black Lives Matter rally,’ she said. “That speech is allowed, but Blues Lives Matter is not allowed? I will stand at this stage and say that Blue Lives Matter is a stock issue and Goodyear needs to come out and acknowledge that. “

McEnany said Trump appealed to his supporters with his tweet.

“The president will never apologize for enforcing the law. He will not. He thinks it is unacceptable. If you can wear a Black Lives Matter hat, what then? You could also wear a Blue Lives Matter. ”
