Trump’s advisers consult scientists pushing controversial mob immunity

Mainstream medical and public health experts say hundreds, thousands, or even millions of U.S. dollars have been lost as a result of discovering widespread, or mass, immune systems, as scientists suggest. Residents may die.

All three, who have described Azar as “three specialized infectious disease specialists,” support the aggressive move to revive the economy, citing extensive testing and other basic public health measures. Attending Laura Ingram’s Fox News show on Monday night, Jupiter said three months, maybe six, is enough time to build up enough immunity … that vulnerable people can resume normal life.

This is in line with the “mob-immune” strategy backed by Atlas, which Bhattacharya said is his point of contact for the meeting. Atlas, a neuroradiologist and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, has emerged as an advisor to the president despite doubts about basic safety measures such as lack of expertise in public health, infectious disease or epidemics and wearing a mask.

The HHS declined to comment on the meeting of scientists with the role of Azar and Atlas in it, or whether the Trump administration is shifting to a bunch of defense strategies.

Studies by the CDC and academic scientists have concluded that as of July, less than 10 percent of Americans had antibodies to the virus. It is much lower than the 60 to 70 percent infection rate, with most experts believing that it is necessary to achieve herd immunity. They say going there without a vaccine would dramatically increase the number of Kovid-19 deaths and cause a large number of permanent health problems in the United States.

Given these facts, Azar’s tweet has raised concerns among public health experts that the administration is forcing the virus to be contained or forcing it to return to normal life before the vaccine becomes available.

“It’s not a good faith effort to talk to experts. This is an attempt to select certified people who agree with the administration’s political affiliations or political affiliations, “said Jestermi Kondeck, a former Obama administration official who oversaw the disaster response.

Scientists who met Azar have repeatedly questioned the dangers of the virus and the impact of lockdowns.

Bhattacharya agreed with a study with colleagues at Stanford that the coronavirus infection rate in Silicon Valley is 85 percent higher than previously estimated, suggesting that the virus is not so lethal as to justify continuous lockdown.

The analysis, released in April without a peer review, was quickly attacked by other scientists who questioned the accuracy of the antibody test used in the study, and the authors’ research methods – including Facebook’s recruitment of participants and the social interactions of scientists. . , Increasing the risk of a sample not performing.

Bhattacharya and his colleagues revised the study’s findings just two weeks after they were published, lowering the estimate of how many people were infected by a third.

Around the lake, Gupta and colleagues at his Oxford research group protested the strict lockdown orders imposed by the UK in March, arguing that “the chances of dying from a death rate or infection are very low.” His attitude earned him the nickname “Professor Reopen” in an editorial in the June Wall Street Journal. Meanwhile, more than 42,000 Britons have died and more than two million have been infected since Covid-19.

In her appearance on Ingreham’s Fox show on Monday, Gupta advocated compliant coronavirus testing criteria to focus on vulnerable people rather than school-going children and other healthy populations. The broad test, he said, is that “we have a very passive use of very limited resources.” “Don’t test [healthy people.] Let them live their own lives and let them build immunity that will ultimately protect vulnerable people. “

Culdorf, which is located at Harvard, emphasizes the protection of the elderly and the medically vulnerable while other communities receive some traits of mob immunity.

“Somehow, mob immunity has become a toxic line, which is strange, because it’s a scientifically proven phenomenon like gravity,” he said in an interview with Jacobin Magazine. “The issue is how to get there with the least number of casualties. We don’t know what percentage of coronaviruses are needed to achieve flock immunity, but we do know that if there are many older people in the group who are infected, many will die. On the other hand, if mostly young people are infected, there will be very few deaths. ”

Mortality from coronavirus is much lower in children and young adults than in the elderly, but recent studies have also shown that they can spread the virus fairly easily. The CDC study this summer found the virus spreading rapidly in Georgia summer camps, where 44 percent of people tested positive for the virus – more than half of those aged six to ten. The findings show that the virus can spread effectively in a “youth-focused overnight setting: and” presents evidence that shows children of all ages are susceptible, “the scientists wrote.

Instead of considering the potential long-term disability and impairment from Kovid-19, the arguments of Bhattacharya, Gupta and Kuldorf are only at risk of death, Konendik said.

“They are proposing a half-baked policy that is not based on science, but aligns very well with the administration that wants to take the political direction and the president and that is very consistent with its election prospects,” he said. .

But Culdorf said the group’s approach “is nothing new, as it is a public health practice.” Culdorf said the trio discussed a “focused defense” strategy with Azar, which would separate the vulnerable and the elderly but allow others to return to normal life.

Bhattacharya also denied that he supported a mob-immune approach, but told Politico that the broad lockdown should be lifted. He said, ‘The current universal lockdown strategy, which aims to make animal husbandry immune through destructive and difficult to implement population control measures, has ultimately led to the U.S. And it will cause more damage and death worldwide. ‘

Many cities and states began simplifying lockdown requirements starting in May, and there are variations in controls across the country.

And the concept of natural bunch immunity is sluggish. Even in New York, which has so far been a U.S. The CDC estimates that about 22 percent of the population has antibodies against coronavirus.

“If we’re trying to get animal husbandry immunity naturally, I don’t think so [protecting the vulnerable] It will be possible, ”said Harvard T.H. Said Michael Michael Meena, an epidemiologist at Chan School Public Health. “We will have a lot of cases, it will shine. For example, the biggest prediction of a case entering a nursing home is what is happening at the community level.”

Federal health officials are adamant that comprehensive testing is key to the inclusion of Covid-19. “We need to fill the system with testing,” said Anthony Fawcett, a federal infectious disease specialist who has experienced three decades of outbreaks of the disease, Chris Cuomo’s “Cuomo Prime Time” Monday.

Millions of faster coronavirus tests are expected to be available in the coming months – representing a shift in the country’s ability to contain viruses, according to Mara Espinal, a professor of biomedical diagnostics at Arizona State University, to develop its recommendations for the Rockefeller Foundation Testing strategy.

“Transmission needs to be kept under control. It’s unacceptable that 35,000 people get sick every day,” Espinal said. “If we get a chance to reduce that, we should take it.”

Federal officials, such as Fakey and other public health experts, have repeatedly argued that extensive testing is needed to advance masks and social distance when scientists argue for an effective vaccine.

“Adequately stopping the spread and the outbreak is perfect in us so we don’t have to make this tough decision to try to achieve natural animal husbandry immunity as the only option to get the economy back on track.” Meena said. “It’s clearly Trump’s policy whether he’s willing to say it or not.”

For his part, Azar denied last week that a mob-immune approach was gaining traction within the Trump administration.

“Harold Immunity is not the US government’s strategy for coronavirus,” Azar said during a House selection subcommittee hearing on the coronavirus. Rep. In response to a question from Jamie Raskin (D-Mo.). “Once we get there, the mob may be able to spread at a slower pace than we’ve seen in the New York area and other concentrated areas. Our goal is to reduce deaths, save vulnerable people, and keep coronavirus cases as low as possible.”