Trump uses the Rose Garden event to attack Biden

President TrumpDonald John TrumpWayfair refutes QAnon-like conspiracy theory that he is trafficking children Stone criticizes the US justice system in the first television interview since Trump commuted his sentence The federal appeals court rules that the Trump administrator cannot withhold the federal grants from California sanctuary cities MORE He had been talking for nearly an hour Tuesday in the Rose Garden, where the 90-degree heat hit reporters listening as he imposed attack after attack. Joe BidenJoe Biden: The Hill Campaign Report: The second round elections in Texas, Alabama, scheduled for Tuesday, the Biden campaign criticizes the White House attacks on Fauci as “disgusting.” Biden allows Trump to be Trump MORE, when he looked at the journalists sitting across from him.

“We could go on for days,” said Trump.

Trump used the famous White House stage for what amounted to a pseudo-campaign speech, chasing his likely opponent in November for a long time because of his previous positions on China and his campaign platform on climate change, immigration, the economy and more.

“There has probably never been a time when candidates are so different,” Trump said repeatedly, framing himself as the candidate of law and order.

Trump said Tuesday that he does not see himself as the underdog in competition against alleged Democratic nominee Biden, arguing that he is doing better than polls suggest and that he is confident that a “silent majority” of Americans will send him. to a second term.

“No I do not [think I’m the underdog]”Trump said in response to a question.” I think we have very good career polls. They are not law enforcement polls. They are real polls. You look at Florida. You look at the lakes. You see thousands of boats with Trump signs, American signs. “You got the Trump-Pence sign everywhere. You look at bikers for miles and miles proudly riding the roads with their signs. Look, we won a race where the same thing happened in 2016. We had surveys that were bogus.”

Polls show Biden opening up a broad national advantage. Biden also leads in the six major battlefield states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, and Arizona. And Biden is strengthening in states where Trump is expected to win, such as Texas, Georgia, Ohio, and Iowa, raising fears among Republicans that they will lose both the White House and the Senate in November.

The president said Tuesday that he believes the polls are biased because many of his supporters are afraid to tell pollsters that they support him for fear of backlash from friends, family and co-workers.

“The enthusiasm is greater now and perhaps much greater than in 2016,” Trump said. “I think a lot of people don’t want to talk about it. They do not mean: ‘I am for Trump’. They don’t want to go through the process, and I fully understand that because the process is not fair. The media does not treat us fairly. They never have, and they never will … but I think we are doing very well in the polls, and I think you have a silent majority like I have never seen this country before. “

Some pollsters have talked about a “social desirability bias” in polls, where Trump’s “shy” voters are too embarrassed to tell pollsters that they support the president. Republicans have also argued that the likely voter models used by pollsters don’t factor in who first voted in 2016 and supported Trump.

But those claims are difficult to quantify or prove. In several battlefield states, Biden has developed an edge that is outside the margin of error, giving analysts confidence that the Democrat is the clear favorite to win the White House, at least for the time being.

Trump’s comments came during a question and answer session in the Rose Garden after Trump launched into a harangue in which he said Biden had been co-opted by the “radical left” and warned that the Democrat would be easy. With China, making it easier for illegal immigrants to cross the border and implement liberal policies, he said, would devastate the economy.

The White House announced the event Tuesday afternoon, just before Biden took the stage in Delaware to present a $ 2 trillion policy focused on tackling climate change. The former vice president’s speech was broadcast live on all major cable networks, and Trump, who is prone to watching television, had no public events on his agenda at the time.

Trump spent the first few minutes announcing new actions against China for his crackdown on Hong Kong. What followed was a nearly hour-long speech that resembled one of his meandering campaign speeches that left some viewers wondering if the president was recycling his comments from a planned New Hampshire rally that was postponed.

The president dumped his alleged opponent in the November election, accusing him of being soft on China and failing to do some of the things he has criticized the current administration for.

“[Biden] He didn’t do any of the things, but now he says … as president, he will do all the things he didn’t do, “Trump said.” He never did anything except make bad decisions, especially in foreign policy. “

The speech was a notable use of the Rose Garden, a place where presidents frequently receive foreign leaders and sign important laws. While the Hatch Act prohibits White House officials from participating in campaigns in their official capacity, it does not apply to the President.

The President had Biden’s quotes printed on sheets of paper which he took from his coat pocket. Topics covered include Biden’s views on China, the Obama administration’s response to swine flu, school choice, criminal justice reform, immigration and climate policy.

Trump, at one point, dropped Hunter Biden, the son of the former vice president and a central figure in the president’s impeachment earlier this year.

“Where’s Hunter, by the way?” Trump said.

Biden’s campaign released a press release as Trump spoke accusing the president of “trying to rewrite his miserable history … of collapsing before President Xi and the Chinese government.” He later issued a statement criticizing Trump about the substance and context of his comments.

“What we heard today at the Rose Garden was not a president at all. He was a politician who saw his reelection slip away and who is furious that his own failed response to the coronavirus pandemic has denied him the campaign events he longs for, “said Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield.” The American taxpayer should be reimbursed for the abuse of funds that this show represented. “

Trump has stayed on the sidelines of holding large-scale campaign rallies in which he generally gets angry at his opponents because of the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed more than 135,000 people in the US. The president briefly mentioned the issue on Tuesday, mainly to regret what he said was an unfair media coverage of his administration’s response.

Instead of the protests, Trump has tried to use the events of the White House to restore his campaign efforts. He frequently uses such gatherings to beat up Democrats and Biden in particular, and scoffed near the conclusion of Tuesday’s long appearance that he could hold similar events in the future.

“We will have these conferences again,” Trump said, turning shortly thereafter and returning to the Oval Office after answering questions from four reporters.

Updated at 8:46 pm
