Trump urges Walter Reed doctors to sign non-disclosure agreement in 2019

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement last year before employees at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center could be involved in his treatment, according to four people familiar with the process.

During a surprise visit to Walter Reed on November 16, 2019, Trump mandated a signed NDA of both physicians and non-medical staff, most of whom are active-duty military service members, they said. At least two of Verter Reed’s doctors who refused to sign the NDA were then not allowed to have any involvement in the president’s care, the two said.

The reason for their trip last year is shrouded in mystery.

Little did the four people familiar with the process know that, during the president’s recent weekend visit, they had a similar need for Walter Reed staff members who had not previously been involved in his care.

Anyone providing medical services to the President – or any other American – is automatically prohibited from disclosing a patient’s personal health information without the consent of the conventional law. The legal protections that exist for all patients under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA raise the question of why Trump would sign Walter Reed’s staff members to the NDA.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere said in a statement that “any physician who cares for the president is bound by the patient’s physician privacy under the HIPAA, and I will not comment on any further internal proceedings.”

In addition, all employees assigned to the White House Medical Unit, who conduct the day-to-day running of the President and Vice President, are required to have special “Yankee White” security approvals. To get clearance, they have to go to the US. Must be a citizen and have a background check.

The White House announced last week that transparency about Trump’s health is a matter of grave concern, as he has tested positive for the coronavirus, and the president is strictly prohibiting information authorized to be shared with his doctors in public. The president’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, declined to answer key questions, such as whether Trump was last tested negative for the virus and whether he contracted pneumonia from the disease.

Several times in recent days, Navy officer Connelly has refused to disclose information about Trump’s health, citing the HIPAA.

“We’ve done routine standard imaging. I’m not at liberty to discuss,” Conley told reporters Monday when asked if the president has pneumonia or inflammation in his lungs.

Conley’s written updates on Trump’s health include the note “I publish the following information with the approval of President Donald J. Trump.”

Norris Agnew, a spokesman for Walter Reed, referred to the White House for comment on NBC News.

Trump is required to regularly sign an agreement not to announce employees of his company, the Trump Organization. He continued this practice when he came to the presidency and even after taking office with some White House officials.

Arthur Capla, director of medical ethics at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, said that while some celebrities and wealthy businessmen ask their physicians to sign the NDA, it is not necessary to protect their privacy.

“Morally and legally you can demand the NDA, but you don’t need anyone,” Capla said. “Doctors cannot share information with anyone except those who care for patients or pay the patient’s bill. And ultimately it is up to the patient whether the doctor can share the information or not.

“It’s more reprehensible than unethical. There is privacy before assumptions,” and doctors who violate privacy rules suffer serious consequences without it.

Since his coronavirus diagnosis was made public on October 1, Trump has sought to present an image of strength by carefully performing public performances with choreographies, and he could convey that statement to anyone with information about his health.

Trump spent three nights on Walter Reed after it was announced by the White House that he had tested positive. He was released on Monday and returned to the White House.

After an uncontrolled trip by Trump and Walter Reed last year, the White House said they are to complete parts of their annual physical exam, which is usually done in an interview after the new year.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said at the time, “Looking forward to a very busy 2020, the president is taking advantage of a free weekend here in Washington, D.C., to begin parts of his regular annual physical exam in Warter Reed.” Said White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham. One line.

Trump’s previous two physical examinations as president were announced in advance, and Walter Reed’s medical staff was widely advised to expect a high-level visit. None of those steps were taken before Trump’s visit last year.