Trump ‘unwilling’ to trust American intelligence because of Comey, Brennan

President Trump said he was “reluctant” to trust the US intelligence community over Russian President Vladimir Putin because of “Dirty Cops” like former FBI Director James Comey – who he accused of launching the Russia investigation into his gains in to discredit the White House in 2016.

“John Bolton, one of the stupidest people I have met in government and sadré, I have met a lot, often states that I respect and trust even Vladimir Putin of Russia more than those in our Intelligence Agencies,” Trump wrote in a tweet Tuesday, referring to his former national security adviser.

‘Although of course that’s not true, if the first people you met from the so-called American Intelligence were Dirty Cops who now have sleazebags proven at the highest level like James Comey, proven teacher James Clapper, and perhaps the lowest of them all, Wacko John Brennan who stood the CIA, you might understand my reluctance! ” he went on.

Clapper, former director of National Intelligence, and Brennan were among the Obama administration officials who allegedly tried to reveal the identity of Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, in the wake of the Russian conspiracy. ‘Crossfire Hurricane Research.

Attorney General William Barr has begun an investigation into Flynn’s ‘unmasking’, as well as the origins of the first Russian probe.

Attorney General William Barr has begun an investigation into Flynn’s ‘unmasking’.

Brennan responded to Trump on Twitter.

“It’s no surprise that @realDonaldTrump shares Putin’s deep disgust for Americans who are serving their country & undermining Russia’s efforts against US national security,” he said in the post. “Trump will not stay either.”

Trump fired Comey in May 2017, and days later Robert Mueller was named as special adviser to investigate the possible ties of the Trump campaign with Russia.

Trump took Putin’s word in 2018 regarding mediation in the 2016 elections, after one-on-one talks with the Russian leader in Helsinki.

“President Putin says it is not Russia. I see no reason why it should be, ‘Trump said at the time.

The US intelligence community concluded that Russia intervened in the election, along with several attempts by other foreign opponents, who received less public attention from the intelligence community.
