Trump threatens not to leave White House on inauguration day: CNN

  • President Trump reportedly told some aides he could refuse to leave the White House on the opening day, according to CNN.
  • The CNN report added that many of them believe Trump will actually follow the threat.
  • “It’s a f —— rage,” a source said. “He’s going for a walk. He’s just getting out.”
  • On Monday, the electorate voted to make Biden president-elect. Trump has still refused to accept Biden’s victory.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

President Donald Trump has denied his election loss, and has told some of his advisers he will not leave the White House on opening day, according to CNN.

A CNN report released Wednesday states that some believe Trump will actually comply with his threats to sit in the White House.

A consultant told CNN. “He’s throwing an F — Inger tantrum.” “He’s going for a walk. He’s just getting out.”

It’s been almost six weeks since the election was called for President-elect Joe Biden, and Trump has yet to acknowledge his loss.

Some Republicans, who withheld an acknowledgment, notably Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, acknowledged Biden’s victory after it was confirmed this week by Elect Oral Ralph College Ledge.

However, Trump has continued to advance the claim that Biden is stealing the election through widespread voter fraud, a theory that even his own outgoing attorney general has not confirmed by evidence.

CNN reports that Trump has stabilized advisers and allies who have tried to persuade him to accept the loss.

One, who said he spoke regularly with Trump, says the president did not return calls because he tried to re-evaluate his stance on the results.

According to a CNN report, Trump began privately acknowledging his loss late last month, but then changed his mind again and rightly believes he was robbed of the election.

Trump’s adviser told CNN about the president, “He has been given so much misinformation that I think he really thinks this thing has been stolen from him.”

Multiple sources speaking to CNN said Trump has made it clear to staff that he does not want to talk about whether he will attend Biden’s swearing-in ceremony.

People close to him told the outlet that they thought he was unlikely to leave.

Business Insider reached out to the White House to comment on the CNN report, but received no immediate response Thursday morning. The White House declined to comment on CNN.