Trump slams Ben Sasse over calling for ‘unconstitutional demolition’

President Trump beats Republican sen on Monday. Ben Sasse calls for Trump’s new executive orders “unconstitutional slop.”

“RINO Ben Sasse, who needed my support and distinction to get the Republican nomination for Prime Minister of the GREAT State of Nebraska, has now, now that he has it (Thank you President T), become rogue again. , ” Trump tweeted. “This folly is playing right into the hands of the Radical left dems!”

Trump signed four executive orders on Saturday after Congress gridlocked in relations talks with coronavirus. The orders renew a moratorium on federal evictions, extend student loan delays, make a $ 400 weekly unemployment supplement, and suspend income taxes below $ 104,000.

Sasse (R-Neb.), Who won the Republican nomination in May to serve a second term in the upper house, criticized Trump harshly.

“The pin-and-phone theory of executive legislation is unconstitutional,” Sasse said. “President Obama did not have the power to unilaterally rewrite immigration law with DACA, and President Trump does not have the power to unilaterally rewrite the tax law. Under the Constitution, that power belongs to the American people who act through their members of Congress. ”

Many Senate Republicans who criticize Trump are suffering the consequences. Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) And Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) Left Congress as pariahs among their own party after angering the president.

Coronavirus talks in Congress have failed in part because many conservatives are afraid to add to the national debt with another major package. Republicans are also largely opposed to a Democratic proposal to send nearly $ 1 trillion to state and local governments.

Sasse, a former president of the small Midland University in Nebraska, has had a rocky relationship with Trump.

Trump, then a presidential candidate, tweeted in 2016, “@BenSasse looks more like a gym rat than an American senator. How the hell was he ever chosen? “
