Trump says he would welcome Michael Flynn to his administration

When asked if he would take Flynn back to the White House, Trump replied, “I would.”

Flynn, a former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, supported the 2016 Trump campaign and was the president’s first national security adviser. But the President withdrew Flynn in February 2017, less than a month after his term, following revelations that Flynn misled Vice President Mike Pence about his December 2016 talks with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Flynn later pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about the nature of his conversations with Kislyak. The former national security adviser later tried to withdraw his guilty plea before the Justice Department attempted to drop his case against Flynn at the behest of Attorney General William Barr.

Last month, Flynn received a boost when a federal appeals court ordered that Flynn’s case be dismissed. However, Judge Emmet Sullivan is asking the DC Circuit Court of Appeals to review the layoff.

POLITICO recently reported that Trump’s allies are pressing the campaign to allow Flynn hit the road publicly advocate for reelection of the president.

Trump praised Flynn in his CBS interview and said that Flynn was mistreated by investigators.

“I think he is a great gentleman. He’s been in the military for many, many decades, actually, ”Trump told CBS. “Highly respected. What General Flynn went through is so unfair. And he is still going through it.”

Trump’s warmth towards Flynn reflects his public feelings towards other former advisers who were investigated by prosecutors. Last week, Trump commutes Roger Stone’s prison sentence, the longtime informal political adviser to the president who was found guilty of preventing investigations into alleged links between the Trump campaign and Russia.