Trump says he cannot guarantee school safety in the midst of a pandemic: “Can you assure someone of something?”

President TrumpDonald John Trump Governor Approval Rates Drop As COVID-19 Cases Rise Gohmert Says He Will Take Hydroxychloroquine As Treatment For Virginia Governor COVID-19, Senators Seek CDC Help With Coronavirus Outbreak In Center immigration detention MORE, who lobbied for schools to open this fall despite the coronavirus pandemic, said Thursday that he could not offer guarantees that holding classes in person would be safe.

“Can you assure someone of something?” Trump said in response to a question about how he could assure people that schools can be safely reopened.

At the same time, Trump falsely claimed that young people are “almost immune” to the virus.

“I say it again, young people are almost immune to this disease. The younger the better, “he said during a White House briefing with journalists.” They are stronger, they have a stronger immune system. “

Children can receive COVID-19, although the evidence so far suggests that they are less likely to experience serious illness or death compared to adults.

About 340 children have been diagnosed with a serious inflammatory condition believed to be caused by COVID-19, but most eventually recover.

Most children who receive COVID-19 experience mild symptoms, such as fever and cough, or no symptoms at all.

Still, the evidence is mixed about whether children are less likely to become infected when exposed to the virus. There is also insufficient evidence to determine what role children play in the spread of the virus among themselves and among adults, a question that hangs over school openings, as teachers, staff, and others will be exposed to children during several hours a day. Critics of the plan also point out that children who become infected at school can expose family members to the virus.

Older children, ages 10 to 19, are believed to be able to transmit the virus to adults just like other adults, Anthony FauciAnthony Fauci Gohmert says that he will take hydroxychloroquine for treatment with COVID-19. Pence met with doctors for a viral video containing false claims of coronavirus. Fauci says a viral video retweeted by Trump features “a group of people saying something that is not true.” PLUS, the country’s leading infectious disease doctor, said on MSNBC Wednesday.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommend that schools somehow reopen in the fall, citing the ill effects of a lack of in-person instruction.

The reopening of schools also has the added benefit of helping parents return to work, providing Trump with a much-needed boost to the economy.

However, some public health experts point out that it will be more difficult to safely reopen schools in areas of the country with large COVID-19 outbreaks.

“In hot areas, you have to take it on a case-by-case basis and make a decision based on the well-being of the children as well as the feasibility of being able to open up,” Fauci said on MSNBC Wednesday.
