Trump runs out of news conference after reporter asks him about Veterans Choice lies he has told more than 150 times

Speaking at his golf club Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump has reiterated that he is the one who passed the Veterans Choice program – adding, “They have been trying to get that for decades and decades and decades and have no president. it ever could, and we did. “

In fact, former President Barack Obama signed the 2014 Choice Program into law. The law, which allowed veterans to be cared for by the government for care provided by doctors outside the VA system, was a two-part initiative spearhead by two senators who have criticized Trump several times, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and the late John McCain of Arizona.
What Trump signed was a 2018 law, the VA MISSION Act, that adjusted and expanded the criteria for criteria from the Choice program. Instead of describing that bill, Trump has increasingly claimed that he made Veterans Choice himself – after others “50 years” had failed.
“Why do you say you passed on Veterans Choice?” CBS News White House correspondent Paula Reid questioned Trump at Saturday’s news conference, in which Trump announced executive action on coronavirus relief.

When Trump instead tried to call another reporter, Reid went on to say, “You said you passed on Veterans Choice. It was passed in 2014 … it was a false statement, sir.”

Trump paused for a moment, then replied, “OK. Thank you very much, everyone.” He then walked away when the song “YMCA” was played.

Trump had never or almost never challenged the Veterans Choice claim before Reid did so.
