Trump returned to the Oval Office, declaring himself cured of the coronavirus

Despite testing positive for the coronavirus less than a week ago, President Donald Trump returned to the Oval Office on Wednesday afternoon and released a video in which he declared himself healthy as a result of an experimental antibody drug cocktail.

“For me, it wasn’t therapeutic. It made me better. I call it healing,” Trump said in a five-minute video, tweeting himself standing in front of the Oval. The video showed Trump, his skin appearing darker during his hospital stay, speaking faster and his voice heard louder.

Trump, for the first time since the diagnosis was made public, felt that the care he would receive was different from the care he received from ordinary people.

“I went inside, I didn’t feel well. Soon after 24 hours I was feeling very well. I want to get out of the hospital. And that’s what I want for everyone. I want everyone to be treated the same as you. Come on. ” The president, because I feel great, “Trump called his experience a” blessing from God, “and said he chose the drug cocktail that treats him.” That was my suggestion, “he said.

“If you’re in the hospital, and you feel really bad, I think we’ll do our job to get them released. And especially if you’re a senior, we’ll go get you there fast. We have thousands of doses.” Which is almost ready, ‘he said, later in the video before putting the “I think” qualifier.

“I want to get you what I got, and I’ll make it free,” he added, “We’ll take him to the hospital as soon as possible.” With handling “military” distribution. He ended the message by saying “goodbye”.

A source told NBC News that it was impossible to know whether it was Regaran’s antibody cocktail or the combination of all the drugs with Trump with which the president feels good.

It will soon have 50,000 doses of cocktails and 300,000 doses in the next few months, Regeneron said.

A senior administration official told NBC News that Trump went to the Oval Office for a briefing on Hurricane Delta and provocative talks. He was accompanied by White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Social Media Director Dan Scavino at the Oval, the official said.

“Just got brief information on Hurricane Delta, and talked to him GovAbbott Texas and Louisianagov John Bell Edwards. Please follow the directions of your state and local authorities. We are working very closely with them – please be prepared, be careful, and be safe! ” Trump tweeted After the meeting.

His presence at the office was indicated by a glance standing outside the Marine Guard. The guard was not wearing a mask.

The trip came as a surprise for a number of reasons – Trump is undergoing treatment for Covid-19, and officials said he was not diagnosed until late Thursday evening. This means that it is still considered contagious under its own administration.

The Oval Office is opposite the White House residence, where Trump is after he was released from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Monday – meaning the infectious president walked through the property to get there, but outside the office outside the West Wing.

The trip was not necessary for the President because the East Wing, where the residence is located, has a fee.

Meadows said early Wednesday that Trump “wanted to go to the Oval yesterday. If he decides to go to the Oval, we’ve got a safety protocol. “He did not describe what those protocols are.

The White House has been hit hard by the virus in recent weeks, with top aides Hop Hicks and Stephen Miller testing positive for the coronavirus, as are Press Secretary Kyle McKinney, numerous members of the press office and White House staff.

Prior to the video, the president had not been seen in public since Monday night, when he returned to the White House from the hospital, and Trump’s doctors were guarded about disclosing details of his condition.

White House physician Dr. Sean Conley wrote in a memo issued by the White House on Wednesday morning, quoting Trump as saying, “I feel great!”

“His physical examination and vital signs, including oxygen saturation and respiratory rate, all remain in a stable and normal range. He is now fever-free for more than 4 days, symptom-free for more than 24 hours, and in the initial hospital. He does not need or receive supplemental oxygen after admission.

The White House did not disclose when Trump’s latest negative test was announced last weekend before declaring it positive for the virus. Doctors also did not disclose the details of his lung scan and said he was still on the steroid treatment dexamethasone.

On Monday, Conley said doctors did not know if Trump was “out of the woods” until this weekend.