Trump refuses to answer question about QAnon, but again supports Marjorie Taylor Greene

At the White House news conference on his distinction between Georgia House candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene, and whether he believes in the conspiracy theories she promotes, Trump simply turned her down by praising her.

“Well, she did very well in the election. She won by a lot. She was very popular. She comes from a great state and she had a great victory, so absolutely, I congratulate her,” Trump said during a briefing of the White House.

He did not answer a follow-up question as to whether he believed in the conspiracy theory she had embraced.

Trump on Wednesday gave Greene a full distinction after winning a primary runoff in Georgia, tweeting that she is a “future Republican Star” and “a real WINNER!”
Trump has a history of promoting baseless conspiracy theories – of claiming that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States after linking Sen. Ted Cruz’s father to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to suggest that the Clintons may have played a role in the death of Jeffrey Epstein.
The president has retweeted Twitter posts announcing in her bios that they attribute to QAnon theories, their Q signs and Q T-shirts have been detected at several Trump events and events, and in 2019, the White House a QAnon invited supporter of an event described by the White House as a “social media top” with conservative influencers.

Greene reiterated and promoted QAnon theories and phrases, praising the mythical Q as a “patriot” in a 2017 video, describing the collusion theory as “something worth listening to and paying attention to.”

She also has a history of Islamophobic and anti-Semitic remarks, including saying that there is “an Islamic invasion in our government offices”, and calls the progressive billionaire activist George Soros, who is Jewish, a “Nazi.”

Republican leaders, including Leader of House Minority, Kevin McCarthy, reacted with condemnation following a report in Politico on racist remarks and other inflammatory remarks this summer.

At a primary debate, she was asked to respond to the criticism she faced from the House GOP leadership over the comments, Greene said, “If you are a Republican and if you are unapologetically conservative like me, you will you people like me called racist, even if it’s very unfair. “

But this week, a McCarthy spokeswoman, who declined to be named, said in a statement that House Republicans “look forward” to Greene’s victory in November.

In one statement that the profit has divided Republicans, tweeted GOP rep. Illinois Democrat Adam Kinzinger on Wednesday dismissed the QAnon conspiracy theory, saying “there is no place in Congress for these conspiracies.”

CNN’s Betsy Klein, Clare Foran, Manu Raju and Haley Byrd contributed to this report.
