Trump reflects on loophole, described in article, to avoid immigration law

  • President Donald Trump is interested in a new article in the National Review that claims that a recent Supreme Court decision allows him to avoid Congress to impose his own policies, Axios reported.
  • The article was seen on the Trump Oval Office desk and the president mentioned it in discussions with advisers, Axios reported.
  • It was written by John Yoo, an attorney who drafted President George W. Bush’s legal justification for torturing detainees during the “War on Terror.”
  • In a recent Telemundo interview, Trump said he is considering new immigration policies enforced by executive order, citing the Supreme Court decision as justification.
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President Donald Trump and his advisers are considering a loophole outlined in an article in the National Review that would allow him to bypass Congress and impose his own policies to restrict immigration, Axios reported Sunday.

The June 22 article, titled “How the Supreme Court’s DACA Decision Hurts the Constitution, the Presidency, Congress, and the Country,” was seen on the desk in Trump’s Oval Office, and the president mentioned it twice. In discussions with advisers, two White House officials told Axios.

The article was written by John Yoo, a lawyer best known for writing the legal defense of torture for detainees during George W. Bush’s “War on Terror”.

In the article, Yoo argued that the recent Supreme Court ruling against Trump’s attempt to remove people protected from deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) law “makes it easy for Presidents break the law, but reversing such violations is difficult, especially for their successors. “

Yoo added that President Barack Obama’s orders to impose DACA, and the recent Supreme Court ruling that upholds them, pave the way for presidents to impose policies without the approval of Congress, even if they are in violation of current laws.

Those policies could remain in effect beyond the end of Trump’s first term and take several years to nullify, according to Yoo.

In a July 10 interview with Telemundo, Trump had said he would soon sign a “grand immigration law,” which he also called a “grand executive order,” citing the recent Supreme Court decision as justification.

“We are solving the legal complexities at the moment, but I am going to sign a very important immigration bill as an executive order, which the Supreme Court now, due to the DACA decision, has given me the power to do.” Trump said.