Trump questions how Fauci has a high approval rating ‘but no one likes me’

President TrumpDonald John TrumpRead: Attorney General William Barr’s written testimony before the Barr House Judiciary Committee hoped to blame Democrats for efforts to ‘discredit him’ at the next hearing of 22 people facing federal charges in connection with the Portland protests. PLUS on Tuesday questioned why Anthony FauciAnthony Fauci Yankees surprised by Trump announcing plans to launch first uninvited launch: NYT We need an independent public health agency Sinclair chooses not to target the investigator behind the ‘Plandemic’ conspiracy video MORE, the government’s leading infectious disease expert, has a higher approval rating with the public than he does for his management of the coronavirus pandemic.

“It is interesting. It has a very good approval rating, and I like that. It is good,” Trump said during a press conference at the White House. “Because, remember, he’s working for this administration. He’s working with us. We could have gotten other people. We could have gotten someone else. It didn’t have to be Dr. Fauci. He’s working with our administration, and for the most part We have more or less done what he and others … recommended. “

“He has this high approval rating, so why don’t I have a high approval rating … regarding the virus?” Trump wondered aloud.

The president cited the increased production of masks, gowns, ventilators and other administration equipment after hospitals and state leaders warned in the first weeks of the pandemic that they were lacking those critical supplies. Trump also highlighted the large volume of tests the U.S. conducted, another area where the administration was slow to grow.

“It’s funny,” said Trump. “A man works for us, with us, very closely, Dr. Fauci and Dr. [Deborah] Birx, also very well thought out, and yet they are very well thought out, but nobody liked me. It can only be my personality. That’s it.”

Public surveys have consistently shown that Fauci, who has worked at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for approximately four decades, is among the most trusted voices on the coronavirus. Meanwhile, Trump scored poorly for his handling of the pandemic.

A Quinnipiac University survey released on July 15 showed that 67 percent of respondents do not trust the information Trump provides about the virus, compared to 65 percent who said they trust the information Fauci provides. .

The president’s comment underscored the extent to which Fauci’s position with the public in the midst of the pandemic has been frustrated. In the past, Trump was irritated with aides who drew too much attention while working for him, and Fauci became the latest example.

The New York Times reported that Trump was so upset that Fauci was asked to launch the ceremonial first pitch in the first game of the Washington Nationals last week that he abruptly announced that he would launch a first pitch in a New York Yankees game. York the next month before such an event had ended. Trump later tweeted that he would launch a launch at a later date.

The president fueled new speculation about his frustrations with Fauci on Monday night when he retweeted a message saying Fauci “has misled the American public on many issues, but in particular, by dismissing #hydroxychloroquine and calling Remdesivir the new gold”.

When asked about Tuesday’s retweet, Fauci said he had not misled the public.

“I don’t tweet. I don’t even read them, so I really don’t want to go there, “said Fauci. “I will just continue to do my job no matter what comes out because I think it is very important.”
