Trump news live: Latest 2020 election updates when Fauci warns of ‘disturbing’ coronavirus resurgence

Trump lashes out at lowlife flag burners

The president visited one of those states suffering from a relapse of the coronavirus, Arizona, on Tuesday, where he called peaceful protesters against racism a “left-wing mafia” and said they “hate our history, they hate our values ​​and they hate everything. that we appreciate as Americans. “

“We don’t bow to left-wing thugs,” he said.

Rather, he praised his audience as “patriotic young Americans who defend the United States and refuse to kneel before the radical left.”

“You are the brave warriors who stand in the way of what you want to do and your goals,” he continued.

Trump, whose first manifestation of the pandemic on Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, attracted fewer supporters than expected and was seen as exposing weaknesses in his campaign, again lobbied a matter of law and order in Phoenix before an audience of several thousand young people. . Conservatives at the “Students for Trump” event organized by Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point action group.

The president singled out protesters who attempted to tear down a statue of 19th-century President Andrew Jackson near the White House on Monday night, as well as an “autonomous zone” established by protesters in Seattle, as reasons to keep him in office. instead of electing Democrat Joe Biden on November 3.

“It is not the behavior of a peaceful political movement. It is the behavior of totalitarians and dictators and people who do not love our country,” he said.

Outside the Dream City church where Trump was speaking, police forcibly dispersed hundreds of protesters marching in an adjacent “free speech zone”.

Phoenix police declared the protest an illegal assembly after protesters began blocking a street. Officers with riot gear then used flash grenades, military-style percussion devices for crowd control, to drive protesters away from the church, a Reuters photographer at the scene said.

The city police department said it ordered protesters to disperse when the crowd began throwing objects at the police, “blocking traffic and moving to a protected area for the presidential caravan.”

In addition to flash-bang devices, police also used “pepper balls deployed on the ground and a burst of pepper spray” against protesters, the department statement said, adding that no arrests were made.

Later, Trump returned to his Twitter topic, enraged by “low incomes” and flag burners in a poorly written post.

Here is Alex Woodward’s report.
