Trump expresses opinion that Russia denigrates Biden: ‘Nobody is harder on Russia than I am’

President TrumpDonald John TrumpDeWine tests negative for coronavirus a second time Several GOP lawmakers raise concerns over Trump executive orders in Beirut after testing test for US aid to frustrated ally MAY unveiled new intelligence that Russia is working to denigrate former vice president Joe BidenJoe BidenBiden says Trump’s executive mission is ‘a reckless war on social security’ Trump entered into test exchange with top GOP donor Adelson: Blumenthal report calls for declassification of materials detailing Russian threat to US elections, during his time in the White House, he maintained a difficult position on Moscow.

‘It could, it could very well. “I think the last person Russia wants to see in office is Donald Trump, because no one is smarter about Russia than I have ever been,” Trump said in a briefing Friday when asked about intelligence. .

When Trump pushed through a reporter over the conclusion of the new report that Russia is working to obstruct Biden’s presidential bid, Trump retorted: “I do not shoot what anyone says.”

The president defended his position on Russia, noting that he had boosted US military funding and pressured allies to increase their commitments to NATO.

The rebellion comes after William Evanina, director of the National Center for Security and Safety Services, identified China, Russia and Iran as the top three foreign threats to the U.S. presidential race, and warned that they were trying to ‘poll voters’ preferences and perspectives move, ‘create conflict and “undermine the confidence of the American people in our democratic process.”

“Many foreign actors have the preference for whoever wins the election, which they express through a variety of open and private statements; efforts for secret influence are rarer. We are primarily concerned about the ongoing and potential activity by China, Russia and Iran, “Evanina said in a statement.

Evanina said intelligence had concluded that China did not want Trump to win re-election because it considered him “unpredictable”, and Iran was trying to endorse “democratic institutions of the American Union and” the president “.

“China would like us to have an election where Donald Trump lost to sleepy Joe Biden. “They would dream, they would own our land,” Trump said. If Joe Biden were President, China would have owned our country. “

But Evanina also said officials had noted that Russia was trying to “denigrate” Biden, noting the Obama administration’s policy on Ukraine and its support for opponents of Russia’s president Vladimir PutinVladimir Vladimirovich PutinBlumenthal asks for declassification of materials with details of Russian threat to US elections. Not a nice picture: Money laundering and the American art market Trump shakes opinion that Russia denigrates Biden: ‘Nobody has been harder on Russia than I have’ MORE.

Trump said that “no one with any sense of health” would agree that Russia wants him back.

Russia’s complex attempt to interfere in the 2016 elections included an alleged disinformation campaign on social information and hacking targeting election infrastructure in all 50 states, as well as the networks of the Democratic National Committee on Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonBlumenthal asks for declassification of materials with details about Russian threat to US election Hillary Clinton roasts Maureen Dowd of NYT over column Hillary Clinton touts student suspended over full hallway photo: ‘John Lewis would be proud’ MOREhis campaign.
