Trump exploded over Esper’s de facto ban on the Confederate flag, sources say

According to two people familiar with his reaction, Trump was furious at Esper’s carefully worded memo that did not mention the flag by name, but which effectively prohibited it from flying in military installations by not naming it.

Trump has refused to denounce the Confederate flag in recent weeks, and instead has said that those who see it as a source of pride should be able to continue flying.

Two separate people who have spoken to the president in the following days said they believe Esper’s job remains safe for now, although the relationship between the two has deteriorated significantly in recent months.

As CNN previously reported, Esper now has a year on the job, but finds himself walking a political tightrope during what is one of the most tense moments in his tenure. Defense officials told CNN that he had to spend time concentrating on day-to-day crisis management together with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to try to prevent Trump from making disastrous decisions that could harm national security or demoralize to the military.

Several sources said this relationship could become even more strained in the coming months, although Trump is hesitant to fire another defense secretary so close to the November election.

Change base names

Earlier this week, the House of Representatives passed a $ 740 billion national defense authorization bill that would require the military to remove the names of Confederate soldiers and leaders from military bases across the country. The Senate version of the bill incorporates similar provisions to rename the bases for three years. Trump has said he would veto the legislation if he strips Confederate names of military bases.
On Thursday, Trump turned to Twitter to reiterate his support for keeping the names of those Confederation memorial military bases. The president said he spoke to the president of the Senate Armed Services, Jim Inhofe, who, according to Trump, told him that “it is NOT going to change the names of our large military bases.”

However, the National Defense Authorization Act was passed with a veto-proof majority in the Senate with Inhofe’s support. Inhofe will be one of the top four negotiators on the conference committee to draft the final bill. A provision to change the names was in the House and Senate bills, making it unlikely to be removed during negotiations despite Trump’s claims.

Division with Esper

The areas of division between Trump and Esper are innumerable. In addition to the de facto ban on the Confederate flag, Esper approved the promotion of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman even after the White House attempted to have his name removed from the promotion list in retribution for his testimony before Congress on Ukraine, he confirmed. a defense official with confirmed direct knowledge. to CNN.

The last time Esper spoke to Pentagon reporters on June 3, he noted that he did not support invoking the Insurrection Act that could have put troops on active duty in the streets during the civil unrest following the murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police. Trump had threatened to send active-duty troops, and Esper’s statement angered the White House. Nothing that has happened since has made either side feel better.

And Esper is still pushing for a Pentagon overhaul to counter the threats posed by China and Russia, which he calls “our main strategic competitors.” But the White House shows no interest in confronting Russia, dismissing reports of Russian financial support for the Taliban to kill US forces, even when two US military commanders said they were still investigating everything.

There may not be a bigger clue to the tensions at stake than what Esper is not saying. When he recorded a 10-minute video for the troops heavily promoting his accomplishments and thanking the force, he did not mention the commander-in-chief even once.

CNN’s Barbara Starr and Haley Byrd contributed to this report.
