Trump criticizes Joe Biden for calling Arizona ‘a major city’

President Trump taunted Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Sunday for recently calling Arizona “a major city.”

“This week Joe Biden called Arizona a CITY. However, nothing matters to him, because the Opposition Party (Lamestream Media) covers everything, especially corruption, ”Trump wrote on Twitter.

He added: “The Obama / Biden administration is the most corrupt in history. They even spied on my campaign!

Trump routinely highlights Biden’s mistakes and suggests that the 77-year-old former vice president is not mentally equipped to be president.

Biden confused the state of Arizona in a local television interview this month.

NBC 12 host Mark Curtis thanked Biden for “taking time to talk to the people of our state.”

Biden replied, “Oh, you are an important city. You are going through hell now, right?

Trump, not without his own geographic mistakes, congratulated the wrong state when the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl in February.

The president claimed this month that he had a cognitive test and “challenged” it, and challenged Biden to do the same.
