Trump campaign adviser claims Biden’s mask is ‘prop’ as President Kovid-19 is hospitalized

Senior campaign adviser Jason Miller, while pressured by ABC’s George Stefanopoulos about Trump’s recent weekend rallies about where supporters are largely muskless and standing within six feet of each other in clear violation of federal health guidelines, the Trump team said Sunday. Takes. To prevent the spread of the deadly disease “very seriously.”

“This is the reason we all come to rallies or events, we give them masks. We check their temperature. You know, I would say that as far as B Biden is concerned, I would often think of using that mask as a prop. Is, ”Miller said. “(Wearing a mask) is very important, but even if it is – it can be 20, 30 feet away from the nearest person and will still carry the mask.”

Trump, who has repeatedly mocked Biden’s continued use of facial masks, was admitted to hospital Friday afternoon, announcing he had tested positive for Covid-19.

Simon Sanders, a senior adviser to Biden’s campaign, told CNN’s Jack Tapper “State of the Union” on Sunday morning that the former vice president’s campaign has been a major step forward for the U.S. Department of Disease Control and Prevention since the outbreak began. Follow the guidelines of the centers. This year.

“We are following CDC guidelines, we are listening to public health experts and we are taking every precaution. Our staff are wearing masks and taking social distances everywhere – in planes, in cars, at events, outside events,” Sanders said. Said. “We wear masks that keep us safe.”

Responding to Miller’s remarks later on ABC, Kate Beddingfield, Biden’s deputy publicity campaign manager, said the Republican adviser’s attack tells how Trump’s campaign has responded to the crisis.

Beddingfield said, “I think the Trump campaign tells you a lot from what you need to know about how it initially dealt with this.”
