Trump, Biden at Dualing Town Hall as Coronavirus Rattles campaign

President Trump will answer questions at a townhall in Miami on Thursday and Joe Biden will do the same in Philadelphia.


(L) Alex Adelman / Agency French-Prison / Getty Images |, (R) Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

President Trump and John Biden are set to have a binary at the town hall on Thursday. Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris canceled a campaign trip after testing an assistant for coronavirus.

As the epidemic continues, Ms. Harris postponed all of Sunday’s campaign trips, “with a lot of caution,” said Jane O’Malley Dilne, Mr Biden’s campaign manager. Ms. The decision was made after a positive test for the virus by Harris’ communications director and a non-staff flight crew member.

Mr Biden’s campaign said that during the two days before the positive tests, Ms. Harris was not in close contact with either man. Mrs. O’Malley told Dillo that Ms. Harris tested twice for coronavirus since Oct 8, with his latest negative test on Wednesday, and was due to be tested again on Thursday.

Sen. Kamala Harris arrived on Capitol Hill on Tuesday.


Jacqueline Martin / Associated Press

Earlier this month, Mr. Trump and several White House and campaign colleagues were hospitalized after testing positive for the virus. Mr. Trump’s physician said in a memo released Monday that he had tested negative on consecutive days.

Mr. Trump’s diagnosis prompted organizers of the second presidential debate to change the format of the virtual event, which will take place initially on Thursday. The president said he would not participate until it was taken face-to-face, which was canceled after discussion. Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden will instead sign up for the town hall contest on Thursday evening.

Mr. Biden is scheduled to ask Philadelphia voters questions on a forum hosted by ABC News, while Mr. Trump will do the same at a NBC-run town hall in Miami.

A recent WSJ / NBC News poll shows that women voters are far behind Democratic nominee Biden in favor of President Trump. Gerald F. of WSJ. Seib explains why we are going to the polls with a historic historical gender gap. Photo: Lori King / Associated Press

(More to come)

Write to Siddiqui of Sabri

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