Trolling Trump, Biden campaign claims ‘Keep America Great’ domain

WASHINGTON – Joe Biden’s campaign has bought the web domain that spells President Donald Trump’s “Keep America Great” slogan and fills the page with what it says are Trump’s broken promises.

The 2020 Democratic presidential candidate tweeted a link to on Thursday night, writing: “Donald Trump promised to be the greatest jobs President God has ever created. Instead, tens of millions of Americans are out of work and we are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. #PromisesBroken. ”

The website lists a number of promises Trump had made that the Biden campaign says he has not delivered.

On the coronavirus, for example, the website says that Trump claimed that “as a miracle – it will disappear.” But the site claims the president “did not address the pandemic meaningfully, and its relative inaction has led to nearly six months of economic chaos, millions of jobs lost, and 180,000 American lives lost – with no end to the coronavirus pandemic in sight.”

The site says users can sign up to “stay abreast of President Trump’s failures.” It also shows the Biden-Harris campaign logo and says the website was paid for by the Biden campaign.

Trump announced that Keep America Great would be his slogan for re-election for the formal launch of his campaign last year.