T.In his week, one of Trump’s more insidious trolls, the immigrant-hater Stephen Miller, appeared on Fox News to deny reality by his boss.
“We have more time to correct this fraudulent election result and certify Donald Trump as the winner of the election.” “As we speak, today, an alternate slate of voters from the warring states is going to vote, and we will send the result to Congress.”
The election result was “fraudulent” and there is no evidence that Trump, who lost by electoral votes and more than 200 million popular votes, won the race. Indeed, the election-challenging team laughs at Trump’s claims from every courtroom, including the Supreme Court, which has a majority.
“Hey, that’s extreme, man. So, will Stephen Miller deny the reality in the same way that his hair denies his head? “Trevor Noah cracked on Monday night.
Daily show The hosts did not believe that the Trump administration, Mr. Child Separation, was expelling all the people to save Miller from the uncertain – Biden / Harris victory, which was certified by the Electoral College College Ledge on Monday.
“I mean, why stop there? Why not just send those alternate voters to the Alternative Congress and then have them upheld by the Alternative Supreme Court, and then he could become the President of an Alternative country – probably a strange foreign language spoken by any country that Trump has spoken for the last four years, “Noah said. Cracked.
Comic believes he knows why Miller is fighting tooth and nail to overthrow the will of the people and destroy democracy.
“And look, I can understand the frustration. I really do, ”Noah said. “I mean, what will Stephen Miller do once Trump steps down?” Collect the toll under his old bridge? “