Transcript: Andrew Yang’s DNC Comments

I’m Andrew Yang. You may know me as the man who ran for president and talked about MATH and the future. Unfortunately for all of us, that future is now. The pandemic has accelerated everything. If you’re like me and my wife Evelyn, you do not know when your children’s school will reopen this fall. 72 percent of Americans think this is the worst time we’ve ever experienced. And 42 percent of the jobs now lost – millions of jobs – will never return.

We are in a deep, dark hole, and we need leaders who will help us dig out.

I know many politicians promise them and then do not deliver. I understand if you voted for Trump, or did not vote at all, back in 2016. Many of us have grown tired of having our leaders far removed from our daily lives. We despise that our government will ever rise to the challenges of our time.

But we must give this country a chance to recover – and recovery is only possible with a change of leadership and new ideas. Bold and innovative policies that get help in the midst of this crisis are possible – but we need your help to turn the page for 75 days in our country.

We’re here tonight to celebrate Joe Biden’s nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate. I got to know both Joe and Kamala on the road over the past year – the way you really know a person when the cameras are on, the crowds are gone, and it’s just you and them. They understand the problems we have. It is parents and patriots who want the best for our country. And if we give them the chance, they will fight for us and our families every day.

Our future is now, and it’s daunting. But I ask you tonight to join me in helping Joe and Kamala fight for America’s promise, turn the page for our country, and move us forward to a future we will be truly proud of. leaving children.

And now I want to hand it over to a great Democrat who will be with us all evening. Between us we have 11 Emmys – how about math – Julia Louis-Dreyfus! Hi Julia!

JULIA LOUIS-DREYFUS: Hi Andrew! I have to ask, what did you think of Kamala Harris’ speech yesterday?

ANDREW: Kamala is great, isn ‘t she?

JULIA: I can’t wait to see her debate over our current vice president, “Meeka Pints.” Or is it “Paints”?

ANDREW: It’s pronounced “Pahnce,” I believe.

JULIA: It’s kind of a strange name.

ANDREW: Yeah, does not sound very American.

JULIA: People say that strongly. Well, thank you, Andrew. And please send my regards to the Gang!

ANDREW: I will. They were right in the other room.
